Health Benefits Of Berry Honey

berry honey

“Honey is the best natural & healthier sweetener & is one of the replacement of refined sugars available in the market. Honey comes in multiple natural varieties and Berry Honey is one of them. Berry honey has properties associated with varieties of berries. Honey also contains pollen in it which gives natural protein properties. This pollen will also give corresponding plant properties. And in Berry Honey the nutrients and benefits will be to a great extent matching to Berry. Nistiryya Berry Honey is collected by installing Bee Colonies inside the field of blooming Berries Plants. We do not use artificial Berries flavour or any other extracts in our honey. It’s all 100% organic and natural. Our Berry honey has all the health benefits of Berries as the honey is made by bees from Berries flowers.

Extremely rich in antioxidants
extremely rich in various nutrients

Improves skin texture
helps in weight management

Improves energy level
good antibacterial properties

Treats digestive problems
strengthens immune system